Your success is our success

Share your success with us.

We want to hear your success stories and share these stories with our members in our quarterly member newsletter, Complete Community.  Whether you are a Care Manager, Provider, or Navigator, if you have a remarkable story to tell about a patient and how far they’ve come in healing, recovery, or with their treatment plan, just complete the forms attached on this page, and be sure to send them securely to

The member must be willing to sign the Authorization and Release form. We will not publish the story until we have received this signed form from the member.

If we select your story to share with the community, we’ll also need a photo of you and the patient.

Upon completion of this form, please send to us via email and be certain to send securely. The email address for sending is below. If you are not sure how to send securely, please reach out to your IT department.

We’ll be in touch from there!